Friday, January 17, 2020

The Final Decision

   Since last class, we have been debating our three main pitch ideas as to which one we will be doing for our final task. So far, we have decided that we will be using our first pitch idea as well as our last pitch idea as we try to narrow it down to the one we will be basing our final 2 minute entry to our original film.
    For our first pitch, it is a girl that wakes up in the middle of the night and goes to get water from her kitchen. On the way to the kitchen she hears some noises and realizes a few other strange things on the way to the kitchen such as the drapes moving. After getting water from the kitchen, she walks to close the window on the way back to her bedroom; as she closes the window, she turns around because of a noise and sees a man, dressed in all black, standing behind her. She drops the glass and is taken by the unknown man and put in the trunk. The next scene is her waking up in the trunk and struggling for sometime before her kidnapper opens the trunk, it goes black again and she awakes in a house. As she tries to escape the house while her kidnapper is away, she fails after getting to the chained door and behind her is the kidnapper who then hits her with something ending in a black screen.  We believe this idea would be good because it gives the perfect amount of background but at the same time give more suspense for the rest of the film because this is only the first two minutes of our original film
   Our second topic takes place in the woods. It opens with the a girl running through the woods, with extreme panic. After sometime of running, she trips and falls onto the ground where she is turned over and a man with a knife and he is about to stab her. Right before she is stabbed, the screen goes black and she is waken up from her sleep. As she believes it was all a dream, she notices something in the corner of her room that resembles something of the dream. Our group has not decide the specifics of what the item will be but we do know that there will be an object resembling the dream. As a group, we believe that this is also a great option as once again there is enough context and background to know how this story will develop as a whole movie rather than just a 2 minute film.
   As a group we decided to go with our third idea, the girl running in a dream. The reason being that we feel that this pitch in particular isn’t a full film in 2 minutes but rather a great introduction into a movie that we will be introducing.

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