Monday, December 2, 2019

Final Filming Blog (For real this time)

During our filming process, we had some difficulty when it came to filming. We met on Saturday, November 30, to get most of our filming done before our deadline, December 9. When we met, we had a plan in place to get our filming done with ease as well as accuracy, however, the plan ended up not working as there were too many complications with it. For example, we planned on using a group members truck as a large prop in our music video, but when we met to film the truck was not available. Also, we planned on using our original storyboard for the music video but we had to use our backup Plan of using different locations but the same lyrics in each, this way we will blend all the clips together like a conventional rap music video. For example, we would be in the parking lot for one shot with the full lyrics we will be using and the following scene of us in the car using the same lyrics. This way we can merge the clips together and have the same lyrics just different locations.
     The day we met to film, we didn't get through the film. We basically used it as another planning day for our music video, except this time it was more like a costume rehearsal. This gave us an idea of what we were going to do for our film today. Today we plan on beginning our final filming as well as almost finishing everything today, besides editing.

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