Sunday, January 26, 2020

Genre Research: Taken 2

Common CLAMPS-  Costumes used in Taken 2 are used to represent real people/groups in the world. For example, the antagonist group are dressed as regular men as well as the protagonist in Taken 2 because in thrillers you want it to be like real life. As for the lighting in the film, it was the same as real life as they used natural light in some scenes and lights for others. An example would be as the protagonist is captured the lighting is more dim and sinister to build on the suspense of him already being captured. The make up used in the movie is limited to show bruises, cuts and injuries of the protagonist's journey to find the mother/ ex-wife. Make up was used to the damages after a fight so mostly commonly bruises would be on the face and cute on the chest/arm. The props in Taken 2 were all used in a sense of violence as there were guns, knives, and other objects used in combat. The setting of Taken 2 is in Istanbul, Turkey as it is the main place for the vacation. The significance of this setting pertains to the story line of a group who originates from there.

Common CAMS

Angles-  The angles used in thriller are high angles/birds eye view, eye level, and a dutch angle. These are all used because they create a dramatic and suspenseful effect. In Taken 2, the most obvious camera angle was the dutch and high angles. For example, during most chasing scenes, the camera is at a higher angle to capture the full essence of one character being right behind the other one. Also during the more serious scenes of the film, the camera tilts toward a dutch angle to maintain the build up of suspense.

Movements- The most common camera movements used in thrillers are tracking shots, zoom shots, and pan or tilts. These are used to help develop the story and keep the viewer engaged and make the movie feel suspenseful. In Taken 2, the camera is often tracking the protagonist as he runs throughout the city looking for the mother who was kidnapped. Also, during Taken 2 zooming in was a large part of the film's technique of building up suspense. For example as the protagonist would talk on the phone with the antagonist, the camera zoomed into a close up which further developed the suspense in the film.

Shots- Common shots in thrillers usually are Point of View shots, close-up shots, and long shots. The reason being is that these shots develop a more intense scene. An example would be the close-ups used in Taken 2. Each time the protagonist goes on the phone with the antagonist, a close up is applied to strengthen the scenes intensity.

Common Sound- In thriller movies,  common sounds are sounds that can be either very loud and intense or purposeful specific sounds in order to draw in the audience. In Taken 2, I noticed that a majority of the film was accompanied by loud action music with upbeat noises. The diegetic sound used in Taken 2 were common noises such as a cars honking to represent the genre's theme of real life events. This completes the movies spot as a thriller film as it maintains the genre's high intensity events

Common editing- The editing in thrillers is usually fast, rapid changes from scene to scene. Examples of edits used are jump cuts, flashbacks, action changes. Any kind of edits that move the story along while maintaining suspense are used in thrillers. In Taken 2, an example of these edits are in the middle of the movie as the protagonist moves through a city and the angles and shots change rapidly due to the editing styles implemented.

Elements of Genre- The elements of Taken 2 closely fit with the Thriller Genre. Thriller Genre films usually contains victim falling prey to someone else's plan or scheme. Additionally, thrillers should be told from the point of view of the victim or protagonist. In taken two, the story is a sequel to a daughter being kidnapped by a foreign group and the father of the victim racing to find her. The description of the movie shows every common element in a thriller as it is shown from the protagonist's point of view. Also, thrillers are meant to cause extreme amounts of suspense and in Taken 2, viewers are overwhelmed with suspense as they wait for the story to play out.

What Elements do I like- The Elements of the thriller genre that I enjoy are how the story revolves around a person. For example in Taken 2 the story line revolves around the ex-wife/mother and her journey of being kidnapped. It keeps the story in line and organized as well as keep the viewer engaged throughout.

What Elements I dislike- One of the elements of thrillers that I personally dislike is that sometimes the suspense can be too much at times to the point where the viewer is puzzled a little bit. For example, in Taken 2, the beginning of the film is confusing as to who the white haired man is (the antagonist). This being because of the amount of suspense surrounding the character.

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