As a group, we have decided to do the anti-vaping commercial. In our commercial, there will be a student walking towards the bathroom, they will then enter and begin using the vape(USB). After their use, “lung cancer” will wait outside the bathroom and begin to walk up to the student that vaped, “death” and “addiction” will follow and eventually circle the student. It will then fade or dissolve into a close up of the students face where they will be overwhelmed with the effects of vaping. At the end of the commercial, there will be a voice over, stating something to the effect of “After vaping, you may be stuck with these effects forever” The commercial will then end with the warning signs of vaping.
- Props: For our anti-vaping commercial, we will be using a USB as dangerous vaping device, shirts with labels on them:“lung cancer” on one shirt, “death” on another, and finally “addiction”.
- Costumes: We will be using a casual, school appropriate clothes to represent the student vaping in our commercial. To represent the effects of vaping, we will be using T-shirts with labels on them “lung cancer” on one shirt, “death” on another, and finally “addiction”.
- Schedule: 10/10- We are preparing our commercial by listing our props needed, our costumes we need, our schedule for planning, the location of our commercial and finally, the backup plan if our original plan does not go through.
10/14- We will be creating our storyboards for our commercial to explain each segment in the commercial.
10/22- We will be filming our commercial on the school campus where we will film our original plan and possibly our backup incase the original is not what we were hoping it to be.
- Location list- For our commercial, we will be filming near the bathroom and the classroom. We will be using these locations as it portrays perfectly where vaping occurs throughout the school day. We may change or think of new places in the school to shoot the video, however, for now we have chosen the bathroom.
- Backup Plan: If our original plan of using the bathroom is not able to be followed through on, we will switch locations to the bleachers by the football field as it is secluded and could be another place for vaping to happen.
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